About Our Meetings

Our monthly meetings are a great way to share orchid growing experiences, learn about orchids from our members and expert speakers, and to meet and socialize with other orchid enthusiasts. Our members range in experience level from interested novice to commercial grower. Everyone is invited to attend and participate and guests are very much welcomed.

How the Meetings are Organized:
  • General Society Business
    A brief overview of the current and recent activities of the society will be presented by our president. This is also a great opportunity to volunteer for activities or committees.
  • Monthly Speaker
    Our society strives to invite interesting and highly knowledgable speakers each month to present on orchid-related topics of a wide range, including one or two culture meetings per year highlighting aspects of orchid culture of interest to new members and more experienced orchid growers.
  • Break for Refreshments
    This is a great opportunity to socialize and to admire the orchids brought in for "show and tell" or available on the opportunity table.
  • Member Orchid "Show and Tell"
    Members bring in their orchids and briefly introduce the plants
  • Opportunity for Orchids from the Plant Table
    Here is your chance to help raise funds for the society and win a potentially award-worthy plant for very little money. Plants are typically provided by local growers and are often in bloom.