September 2014 – Fall/Winter Culture Panel Discussion

September’s program will feature four of our experienced orchid growers who will give brief (10-15 minute) presentations with an emphasis on culture for the upcoming Fall and Winter seasons. 

Our panelist will speak on the following topics:

Alex Nadzan: Fertilizer Basics and Seasonal Use

Jerry Spencer: Maintenance of Greenhouses/Shadehouses

Merle Robboy: Correct Time to Repot Orchids

Nico Goosens:  Preparing Orchids for Fall and Winter Seasons

This will be followed by a panel discussion on questions regarding the above topics or any other cultural questions participants may have. Questions may be brought up at the meeting or sent in advance to Alex Nadzan at or by phone (760) 529-5814 (home, please note new number) or (858) 205-6789 (cell).


The opportunity table will be provided by Rex Foster Orchids and include some of their novel cattleya and related orchid hybrids.

Wed, 09/03/2014 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm