
The Palomar Orchid Society generally meets at 6:30 pm the FIRST WEDNESDAY of every month in the Gowland Meeting Room of the Carlsbad City Library. The George and Patricia Gowland Meeting Room is located in the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane, just off El Camino Real in southern Carlsbad. The address is 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011.

February 2020 – Orchid Culture Meeting

We are now in the midst of the cymbidium flowering season and, thus, our first culture meeting of the year will be devoted to growing and dividing/repotting of these beautiful and easy to grow orchids that are ideally suited for our Southern California climate.  Our first culture meeting will feature two of our very experienced growers, Jerry Spencer and Alex Nadzan. Alex will begin the session with reviewing general information on getting ready for the upcoming growing and repotting season that should help both beginners and more seasoned growers prepare for the busiest part of our orchid growing season. He will provide some tips and valuable sources of information and supplies and also will share his experience in growing and blooming these easy to grow orchids. 

Anita and Jerry Spencer are renown for their award winning cymbidiums displayed at our local shows as well as at our meeting show-and-tells. They are expert growers of these popular plants and Jerry will share some of his methods for successful growing and blooming of cymbidiums.  He also will give a demo on dividing and repotting large cymbidiums that should aid all attendees in their efforts for maintaining and blooming cymbidiums. 

Alex and Jerry will address any questions you may have so bring your questions to the meeting or, if you prefer, provide them in advance to Alex at or by phone at 760-529-5814.  This should be a very interesting and educational session for all who want to get a head start on the upcoming orchid growing season.  Orchid Culture Meeting II in March will concentrate on other popular classes of orchids including cattleyas, oncidiums, phalaenopsis and related orchids. 

Finally, Jerry and Anita will be providing the plant table this month.

Wed, 02/05/2020 - 6:00pm - 9:30pm

January 2020 – Mary Gerritsen

Mary GerritsenMary GerritsenWe are delighted to welcome back Mary Gerritsen from the San Francisco Bay area who will speak to us on ‘Miniature Orchids and How to Grow Them’.  Mary defines miniatures as those species whose individual growths are smaller than 6 inches not including the inflorescence.  These compact orchids are a popular choice for orchid hobbyists with limited growing space. In contrast to many of their larger counterparts, many miniature orchids are attractive in or out of bloom. Mary’s lecture will cover many of her favorite species as well as discussing the challenges and rewards of growing miniature orchids. Mary is an expert on this topic and has co-authored “A Compendium of Miniature Orchid Species” with San Francisco Bay area photographer and author, Ron Parsons.    Read more »

Wed, 01/08/2020 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

November 2019 – Peter Lin

Peter LinPeter LinWe are very happy to welcome back one of our more popular speakers, Peter T. Lin. Peter will share with us a power point presentation on the Japan Grand Prix International Orchid Festival, also know as the Tokyo Dome Show. This annual orchid show, held at the Tokyo Dome in Japan, attracts over 300,000 visitors. With thousands of orchids featured, the show displays range from the very large displays to miniature dish gardens, to individual plants. Even the Vendor Sales area is like a Orchid show! One of the highlights of the show is the display of Asian Cymbidium species, featuring priceless Cymbidium goeringii varieties not seen in the US before. No need to travel….come and see a grand show from the comfort of our meeting room!

Peter started growing orchids over 25 years ago, but then stopped due to school and starting a career. It wasn't until about 7 years ago that the orchid "bug" came back and he is now heavily involved once again. He is an accredited judge with the American Orchid Society and a hybridizer of mini-cattleyas. He enjoys meeting with other orchid enthusiasts, and can often be found at various orchid shows and societies around the country. He also has hundreds of photos of his orchids that he maintains on Flickr.   Read more »

Wed, 11/06/2019 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

October 2019 – Alan Koch

Alan KochAlan KochIt is a distinct pleasure to welcome back Alan Koch of Gold Country Orchids in Lincoln, CA.  Alan will be speaking to us on ‘Cattleyas 365, 24/7’ where he will provide us the knowledge on how to build a cattleya collection that will flower all year long and tell us how to grow them.  Alan will highlight the species that have been used by hybridizers for years to control bloom time and his talk will be adapted to our climate conditions.  He also will provide the plant opportunity table including some of his novel hybrid cattleyas and related orchids. 

Alan’s visit is being co-sponsored by POS and SDCOS. He will be speaking on Oct. 1 in Balboa Park on ‘Unusual Species for the Cattleya Grower’. More details can be found on the SDCOS website.   Read more »

Wed, 10/02/2019 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

September 2019 – James Rose

James RoseJames RoseWe are delighted to welcome back James Rose of Cal-Orchid, Santa Barbara to speak to our society. James and his wife, Lauris, are the owners of Cal-Orchid, a very successful and favorite nursery of many of our members. James is a highly experienced orchid nurseryman who will share with us his ’10 Favorite Orchids’, which encompass a large variety of orchid species from around the world. James talks are always educational and highly entertaining so I urge our members and friends to attend his talk. James also will provide our plant table.

James is being sponsored jointly by POS and SDCOS, He will be speaking on the same subject at the SDCOS meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 3, if you are unable to attend on Wednesday evening.

James attended UC Santa Barbara as an anthropology major. In 1971 he began working at Santa Barbara Orchid Estate.  16 years later, now the nursery's manager, he left to established his own nursery with his wife, Lauris. In 1987 they purchased Orchids By Rowe, a 2 acre cymbidium nursery 2 blocks from the Pacific Ocean. Jim and Lauris totally redesigned the former cymbidium cut flower business to what is now a world renowned orchid nursery providing one of the largest varieties of orchid species and hybrids in the U.S.

Cal-Orchid maintains an active breeding program and a stud collection built upon decades of international travel. James is very well known for having a distinctively selective 'eye' for the new, unusual plant, and Cal-Orchid's customers enjoy reaping the benefits.   Read more »

Wed, 09/04/2019 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

August 2019 – Arthur Pinkers

Arthur PinkersArthur PinkersWe are happy to welcome back Arthur Pinkers to our society who will speak to us on ‘Heat Tolerant Oncidiums’.  Arthur will inform us that these are a wonderful group of orchids that come from South and Central America and the Caribbean providing a diversity of size, shape and color. He will explore some of the species that provide warmth tolerance in hybrids and the hybrids themselves as we look at members that would be better suited for our Southern California environment. Arthur also will explore the cultural requirements these orchids need to be successful in our area. Arthur’s visit is being cosponsored by our society and SDCOS where he will be speaking on Tuesday evening on a separate topic in Balboa Park.
Arthur Pinkers has been an orchid enthusiast since the age of sixteen, when he acquired a plant of Slc. Glittering Jewel (Sl. Gratixiae x Slc. Hermes), which infected him with the orchid bug.  His forty plus years of experience growing orchids started in the Pacific Northwest with a green house to fend off the cold, rainy days, but a decade ago a job change forced him to move to Santa Clarita, California, where the conditions are extreme for growing orchids.
Growing up in the Seattle area, Arthur attended Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington, graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry and Biology.  He worked for many years as a chemist, and had the fortune of having his dream job as the Lab Director for Beall Orchid Company until shortly before its close in 1990.
Wed, 08/07/2019 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

July 2019 – Norman Fang

Norman FangNorman FangWe are delighted to welcome Mr. Norman Fang to our society for the first time. Norman will speak to us on ‘Development of Harelquin Phalaenopsis’, which resulted in a major advancement in the popularity of Phals due to the generation of unusually colored and spotted patterns of these most popular orchids. Norman’s visit is co-sponsored with the San Diego County Orchid Society, where he will speak on ‘New Color Forms of Phalaenopsis Species’ on Tuesday, July 2 in Balboa Park. All of our members are invited to the talk and meeting. These are presentations not to be missed by one of the world’s experts in this genre of orchids.  Norman also will provide the plant table for both societies.

Norman is the owner of Norma’s Orchids, located in Montclair, CA.  Even before 1988, when he received his degree in Ornamental Horticulture from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, Norman Fang was already immersed in orchids.  While still a student, he managed the Raymond Burr Orchid Collection on campus.  Two scholarships to study plant tissue culture also allowed him to study under Dr. Murashige at the University of California and Dr. Tanabe at the University of Hawaii.   Read more »

Wed, 07/03/2019 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

June 2019 – Paul Tuskes

Paul TuskesPaul TuskesWe are delighted to welcome back Dr. Paul Tuskes of the San Diego County Orchid Society as our June speaker.  Paul will be giving us a talk on Schomburkias . His presentation will deal with three orchid genera Schomburgkia, Myrmecophila, and Laelia, which are really only two genera.  Paul will examine the similarities and differences between Schomburgkia and its relatives, including morphology and DNA sequencing. What makes a genus?  The rest of the talk will focus on the individual species and their culture… so bring your questions.  This group of orchids is generally great outdoor growers in our area and some should be included in everyone’s collection.

Paul is an excellent orchid grower and lecturer.  He has been growing orchids for over 30 years and his photographs have been used in various books and journals. He grows a wide variety of orchids in his greenhouse and outdoors.  Paul serves as an American Orchid Society judge and co-founded with his wife, Ann, the orchid species study group of the San Diego County Orchid Society. He was one of the first members of that society’s conservation group, which received a Conservation Achievement award from the American Orchid Society. Paul and Ann also have traveled in Central and South America to search for orchids in the wild.

This month’s opportunity table will be provided by one of our local orchid nurseries.

Wed, 06/05/2019 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

April 2019 – Fred Clarke

Fred ClarkeFred ClarkeIt is our distinct pleasure to welcome back one of our most favorite speakers, Fred Clarke. Fred will provide us with an update on his breeding efforts with Australian Dendrobiums in a talk title "Aussie Dendrobiums and Their Cultivation". Fred has been doing extensive work on improving the hybrids in this very interesting class of orchids. As several of you may know, Aussie Dends are very tough and hardy plants that do very well in our San Diego area. They are quite attractive orchids in that they are easy to grow, tolerant of heat and cold, have fragrant flowers, and re-bloom from the old bulbs!!!  They thrive in frost-free areas and do well alongside Cattleyas under shade structures so they are a popular class for many of us to grow outside year round. Fred will review the species and latest developments in breeding and growing of this popular class of orchids. Moreover, he will cover the best practices for growing these remarkable plants. Fred also will be supplying this month’s opportunity table.   Read more »

Wed, 04/03/2019 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

March 2019 – Ken Campbell & Alex Nadzan

Two of our more experienced members, Ken Campbell and Alex Nadzan, will speak on growing orchids in a greenhouse and outdoors under shade cloth, respectively. They will share their conditions and tips for successful growing a variety of orchids under a climate controlled environment and outdoors. The presentation should be educational for both experienced and novice orchid growers alike. It is a timely topic to kick off the 2019 orchid growing season as your plants emerge from their winter resting period. The plant table this month is provided by Cal Orchid of Santa Barbara.

Ken Campbell and his pet pandaKen Campbell and his pet pandaWhen Ken Campbell’s in-laws passed away about 20 years ago, Ken took over their modest orchid collection, which consisted primarily of cattleyas.  Being an engineer at heart, and always willing to accept a new challenge, the first thing he decided he needed to do was to build a greenhouse... and as they say, the rest is history.

Over the years Ken’s appreciation of orchids has grown from not being able to even spell the word correctly (Ph. D. engineers are notoriously bad spellers), to being able to keep the plants alive (at least most of them), to actually getting some of them to bloom.  Ken says he owes a special thanks to the many knowledgeable individuals that have over the years helped him achieve the level of success and enjoyment he finds in orchids today.    Read more »

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm